
Biosphere - Patashnik
Bochum Welt - Desktop Robotics
LFO - Advance
Autechre - Amber
Gescom - Gescom
Aphex Twin - SAW 2
Two Lone Swordsmen - Stay Down
Global Communication -The Cyberdon EP (Reload Remixes)
Biosphere - Patashnik


Artist: Biosphere
From: Patashnik
Label: Apollo
Released: 1994

The title track from the Patashnik album contains a vocal sample from the movie 2010, a scene in which a Russian cosmonaut remotely pilots a probe towards a doomed encounter with the monolith – and it’s not much of a stretch to imagine that everything else in the track could have been sampled from that same scene. I’ve taken some liberties here by restructuring the tune to fit with Key Nell 4’s unusual structure, but the control room vibes remain.

Bochum Welt - Desktop Robotics


Artist: Bochum Welt
From: Desktop Robotics
Label: Rephlex
Released: 1997

Just some shuffling 8 bit drums from the intro to this endearing little number, which means that we miss out on its gorgeous shimmering synth refrain. I would happily have played it all if it had fit.

LFO - Advance

133. TIED UP

Artist: LFO
From: Advance
Label: WARP
Released: 1996

It’s difficult to overestimate the pivotal role LFO played in the development of the Sheffield bleep scene and, by extension, electronic music in the UK. It’s no exaggeration to say that the success of WARP owes much to the music of this unassuming Leeds duo. Advance was a last echo of their imperial phase and was clearly aimed at the charts – not an unreasonable ambition considering LFO had already broken the top 50 twice – and Tied Up did indeed just manage to scrape in at 99. We skip past its booming intro and head straight into the heart of the tune, the atmospheric acid burble of the lush breakdown and its querulous vocal exhortations. RIP Mark.



Artist: MG
From: MG
Label: Mute
Released: 2015

It’s all in the name of this single from Martin Gore’s aforementioned MG album. Europa Hymn seems to capture the spirit of an entire era of electronic music in just three minutes. The refined elegance of Kraftwerk, the analogue evocations of Vangelis, the pop impulses of Depeche Mode – they are all here, channelled in fervent tribute to Europe’s radical tradition of synthesised emotion. 

Autechre - Amber


Artist: Autechre
From: Amber
Label: WARP
Released: 1994

Amber’s longest track is all sleek functionality. A delta wing with one seamless control surface concealing its inner workings; its pipes and circuits and reactors, the flowing of propellant and the commencement of fusion. And forgive the cliche, but Further does take us on a journey, a long voyage through the cold distance between stars. A lonely crossing, enlivened only by the detection of unusual electromagnetic activity, the glistening of distant nebulae and the promise of dangerous encounters in hard vacuum.

Gescom - Gescom


Artist: Gescom
From: Gescom E.
Label: SKAM
Released: 1994

Were it not for the credits on Gescom’s eponymous debut EP one might assume that Cicada was some offcut from the Basscadet EP or possibly an Amber precursor, but listen closely and you can hear an adulterating influence – presumably the work of SKAM associate Rob Hall who collaborated with Brown and Booth on the track. There’s a soft sparseness here that’s unusual for Autechre’s work from this time; long passages of cold pulses, snatches of static and drum machine hi hats. A skeletal framework for Cicada’s raison d’etre; its long stirring sighs of Eno-esque vocal ambience.

Aphex Twin - SAW 2


Artist: Aphex Twin
From: Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2
Label: WARP
Released: 1994

Like most things Aphexian, disentangling the contradictions of Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2 seems like an exercise in futility. The album is a superlative ambient collection (the best of the 90’s, and perhaps of all time) that barely qualifies as ambient. A dream inspired masterwork produced in a hypnagogic stupor, or a mischievous pisstake aimed at WARP’s technoid devotees. A record of unfathomably serene highs and terrifyingly intense lows. In Ocean of Sound, David Toop described it as “a serene, disembodied, episodic collection, the aural equivalent to a photo album filled with Polaroids of sunsets and seascapes.” James’ himself compared it with “standing in a power station on acid… so you get a really weird presence, that hum. You just feel electricity around you“. This album scared the shit out of me and also provided some of my most enduring musical experiences of the decade.   

The only officially titled track on the album, Blue Calx may have also been its earliest production, appearing initially on Rephlex’s 1992 Philosophy Of Sound And Machine compilation. From its first metronomic tick it’s clear we have entered into virgin territory, some resonant new space filled with reverb and tape hiss, deep sub bass rumbles and the slow decay of quiet sonar pulses. The atmosphere created by these elements is extraordinary in and of itself; deadly serious, like a concerto in some undersea concert hall – you almost expect to hear the coughs and fidgeting of an audience – but then we are engulfed by that slow upsurge of translucent tone which, as Marc Weidenbaum says, “distinguishes itself by being a true, hummable, recognisable, even singable melody.” The gestalt effect of all these elements raised some fundamental questions for me at the time. Just what exactly was this music? Where did it come from? Was this aimed at the chill-out room or the shrouded chapels of some hidden cult? It definitely had nothing to do with techno, but was it even electronic music?

The answer may lie somewhere in the oft repeated rumours regarding the somnambulist composition of the record, its origins in dream space. James’ tells Toop that:

70 percent of it is done from lucid dreaming… I’d go to sleep in my studio. I’d go to sleep for ten minutes and write three tracks – only small segments, not 100 percent finished tracks… The hardest thing is getting the sounds the same.

This suggestion has been disparaged by many down through the years including by James himself, but if this music didn’t come from dreams, then where did it come from? How else would you explain the sublime ethereal ache of Rhubarb and Lichen, the disorienting nightmarish soundscapes of Leaves and Hankie, the enveloping electric liminality of Parallel Stripes and White Blur? Despite the disturbing implications, the mystical subtext it imparts upon the work, this dream theory is, for me, the most compelling explanation for the unique sound of this record. In another 1994 piece on the UK’s electronica scene, Toop repeatedly refers to James as ‘The Twin’ as in “…the Twin claims that he rarely sleeps.” To paraphrase another great explorer of the unconscious, I might also add that: his feet are light and nimble. He rarely sleeps. He says that he will never die. He dances in light and in shadow and he is a great favourite. He never sleeps, the Twin. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die…

Two Lone Swordsmen - Stay Down


Artist: Two Lone Swordsmen
From: Stay Down
Label: WARP
Released: 1998

Andrew Weatherall’s longest running musical endeavour was his Two Lone Swordsmen project alongside the great Keith Tenniswood, founded after the dissolution of Sabres of Paradise in ‘96. Tenniswood was a raver who worked as an engineer for Weatherall’s Emissions Audio label and he brought a more purist, dancefloor oriented slant to Weatherall’s eclectic excesses. 1998 saw the release of two of their finest collections: the tuff, intricate electro of A Bag Of Blue Sparks and the moody electronica of Stay Down, with the delicate idyllic strumming of Hope We Never Surface being one of several sublime and unexpectedly dainty IDM influenced cuts from the latter.


Artist: Two Lone Swordsmen
From: Stay Down
Label: WARP
Released: 1998

The best kept secret of 90’s electronica. As Worldly Pleasures… is a work of extraordinary fragility, with its long burbling streams of fizzling beats, its gently plunging sub bass, its exquisite waltz feel and a stunning, beautifully elegiac melody line that seems both achingly delicate and hard hitting, like a heart massage from a friendly phantom. There’s nothing else quite like it in the 2LS catalogue; indeed there’s barely anything else like it in 90’s electronica, other than the glitchy symphonic genius of Leila’s Space Love or perhaps some of the more reflective moments of Autechre’s ambient work. A unique musical blossom that seems frozen in time, like some extinct orchid trapped in amber. I wish they’d made more tunes like this.

Global Communication -The Cyberdon EP (Reload Remixes)


Artist: Mystic institute / Global Communication
From: The Cyberdon EP (Reload Remixes)
Label: Evolution
Released: 1993

The presence of Tom Middleton has been hinted at throughout these pages. His early involvement with the Rephlex crew and his close friendship with Richard James mark him as an important figure in the development of the scene, and his musical career went on to span many genres, aliases, collaborations and remixes. We finally get to hear from him via a track from his much revered collaboration with Mark Pritchard, Global Communication, and their classic Ob-Selon Mi-Nos. Inspired by Middleton’s first funeral experience, and structured around a weighty metronomic tick, the track builds in steady waves of synth vox and layers of simple piano loops, rising and falling in slow blissful rhythm. A quintessential chill-out tune.


μ-Ziq - Bluff Limbo
VA - Mind The Gap
Bochum Welt - Seafire
Polygon Window - Surfing On Sine Waves
Autechre - Garbage
Sunken Foal - Richter Version
Autechre - LP 5
The Drudge
μ-Ziq - Bluff Limbo


Artist: μ-Ziq
From: Bluff Limbo
Label: Rephlex
Released: 1994

The tune that got me hooked on μ-Ziq and one that typifies Paradinas’ unique melodic sensibilities, everything about Iesope is perfectly placed; from the gorgeous carillonesque melody and metallicised reverb, to the windblown whimsy of its main hook. This lush and mysteriously playful mood seems like the perfect setting from which to bid a fond adieu to Mike P and his wonderful music.

VA - Mind The Gap


Artist: Autechre
From: Mind The Gap Volume 5
Label: Rephlex
Released: Gonzo Circus

On the surface, there’s nothing particularly Autechrian about Nonima, no perplexing sound design or advanced rhythmic science, just some arpeggiated synth delays and soft strokes of plaintive melody. Its release on a free compilation CD with the Belgian magazine Gonzo Circus only further highlights its anonymity, so much so that you might assume it was nothing more than a middling 90’s AE obscurity. 

And yet if you delve into the hinterlands of online IDM nerdom you will find a different story, a small but dedicated fraternity of hardcore AE fans who view it with something approaching reverence. Justifiably so, because there is something about this tune that seems to capture the essence of Autechre, some sense of mournful infinitude, as if the simplicity of its composition opens a space for the conjuration of endlessly expansive emotion. One of the great 90’s ambient AE excursions along with VLetrmx, Overand, Yulquen and PIOBmx 2.



Artist: The Arkitekt
From: Deep Ark Field Recordings
Label: None
Released: None

Wind noise, footsteps, indistinct chatter, sniffles. Recorded with Tascam DR-40 and Rode NTG3 Condenser mic, 2015.

Bochum Welt - Seafire

144. COLOR ME (MIX 2)


Artist: Bochum Welt
From: Seafire
Label: Central Processing Unit
Released: 2019

2019 and Di Costanzo’s still got it – if anything his sound has become even more tender and fragile over the years. Color Me is all shimmers of transparent synths, beautiful warming swells of bass, and barely-there rattles of percussion. It’s a comfort of sorts to see such unyielding persistence of vision, like one long grace note echoing down through the days. Buonanotte e grazie, Gianluigi.

Polygon Window - Surfing On Sine Waves


Artist: Polygon Window
From: Surfing On Sine Waves
Label: WARP
Released: 1992

So good I had to play it twice.

Autechre - Garbage

147. VLETRMX21

Artist: Autechre
From: Garbage
Label: WARP
Released: 1995

There is a track by Bedouin Ascent called If Mountains Could Sing, a windswept electric ambient epic, not too dissimilar to this tune. Of course, Autechre would never go for such an evocative track title, but I’ve always thought it was the perfect encapsulation of the elemental, geological power of the closing track from the Garbage EP. VLetrmx is even shaped like a mountain range, with foothills of soft synth chords, a slow aching climb to the high summit of intensity, and a descent into a delta of dwindling tones and decaying reverb – and there is something deeply devotional, dare I say it, spiritual about its journey, it sounds holy, like it’s being played on an ancient organ in some disintegrating cathedral at the ends of the earth. This is Turner’s Upper Fall of the Reichenbach, Friedrich’s Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, Blake’s  Songs of Innocence and Experience. It is mystery and awe and joy and grief and the purest expression of the romantic sublime in their 90’s oeuvre, perhaps in all of 90’s electronic music.

Sunken Foal - Richter Version


Artist: Sunken Foal
From: Richter Version E​.​P.
Label: Countersunk
Released: 2011

A fat slice of Sunken Foal provides the filling for our Autechre sandwich, with the scratchy shuffle, lustrous lead and surging synths of Micromachines providing confirmation of Murphy’s place in this musical pantheon.

Autechre - LP 5

149. DRANE2

Artist: Autechre
From: LP5
Label: WARP
Released: 1998

When you praise an artist’s earlier work it’s difficult to avoid the impression you are somehow diminishing what came after, but my love for Autechre’s 90’s output doesn’t imply anything negative about their later records (and the same goes for the other artists featured here). On the contrary, the duo are responsible for some of my most transcendent and revelatory live musical experiences of recent years. I’ve seen them destroy a packed dance floor with synergistic feedback loops and the dynamic 5D manipulation of twisted shards of sound. I’ve sat in the dark as they conjured strange constellations of musical colours in my head like some aural abstract expressionists. I’ve become periodically infatuated with the audaciously expansive musical universe they have created and with each of the records they’ve produced over the last 20 years – but they are different from what came before. 

It’s not that humanity is absent from their later work, but it is transfigured – intermingled with the cybernetic at a cellular level, manifesting through the indigo light leaks of fibre optic cable seams, the glimpses of the organic within the shifting metal carapace, the 3 line sonnet recursively encoded into the source code of a neural network – and the pivot point for that shift was 1998’s LP5, which sits right in the middle of the duo’s transition to more process driven abstraction, achieving a sublime expression of the man-machine dichotomy, with Drane 2 being the pinnacle of that expression.

The track was the result of a friendly rivalry between the lads and Richard James, beginning with 1995’s Drane (later released on the Peel Sessions) – as Booth puts it:

“Yeah we did the track Drane, which had that exponential speeding-up delay thing happening, and then Rich did that bouncing ball track (Bucephalus Bouncing Ball) from the Come to Daddy EP), and we answered it with Drane2 which was the same delay trick but feeding percussion into it instead, as a kind of tease. He said he made a bouncing ball revenge track to it once but I guess he didn’t release it, prob cos we all got better things to do than get into a tricks war.”

I think I can speak for most fans that it’s a real shame the rivalry ended there, because this tune is just so immense it renders analysis or description redundant, so much so that I can speak only of the memories and emotions it evokes; playing it last in a set, the dance floor disintegrating under its weight, punters almost in tears as the lights came on in the club. The first time I heard it with a close friend who was even more smitten than me, the look of awe on his face with every subsequent listen. Surrendering to its sad beauty on a solitary walk under a dark sky.

A spectacular efflorescence of sensation from one of the greatest collections of 20th century electronic music. If this track doesn’t make you feel something then you’re broken inside.

The Drudge


Artist: The Arkitekt
From: Deep Ark Field Recordings
Label: None
Released: None

Interior car noises, muffled conversation, nostalgia, road noise, the prodigal speaks! Recorded with iphone, 2017.


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1. Embarkment (Field Recording) 0:00
2. La Dérive (Field Recording) 1:06
3. Brian Eno – A Clearing – On Land (LP) – Editions EG (1982) 2:03
4. Vendor Refill – Pendulum – Invisible Soundtracks Vol. 2 (EP) – Leaf (1996) 3:56
5. Autechre – Basscadet (Basscadubmx) – Basscad (EP) – WARP (1994) 9:46
6. Abfhart Hinwill – Sonic Surface – Links Berge Rechts Seen (LP) – Toytronic (2002) 14.05
7. From Within – Do Bassdrums Have Feelings – From Within 2 (LP) – Fax +49-69/450464 (1995) 16:21
8. Disjecta – Vendor Refill Meets Disjecta By The Seaside (On A Sunny Day) – Evil Weevil (EP) – Nature (1998) 18:35
9. Saint Etienne – Like A Motorway (Autechre ‘Skin Up You’re Already Dead’ Mix) – Like A Motorway (12”) – Heavenly (1994) 20:17
10. Bochum Welt – Le Nuit (Slumber Mix) – Feelings On A Screen (EP) – Rephlex (1997) 23:08
11. Saint Etienne – Who Do You Think You Are (Quex-RD Mix) – Hobart Paving / Who Do You Think You Are (12”) – Heavenly (1993) 26:05
12. Aphex Twin – Ageispolis – Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (LP) – Apollo (1992) 28:49
13. Aphex Twin – Delphium – Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (LP) – Apollo (1992) 33:25
14. Aphex Twin – 1 Chink 101 – user48736353001 Soundcloud Dump (2015) 36:54
15. AFX – Sloth – Analogue Bubblebath Vol. 4 (EP) – Rephlex (1994) 41:44
16. Cylob – Foid – Cylobian Sunset (LP) – Rephlex (1996) 42:46
17. Polygon Window – Quino-Phec – Surfing On Sine Waves (LP) – WARP (1992) 45:38
18. Biosphere – Mir – Patashnik (LP) – Apollo (1994) 50:30
19. Silence – Bottom Of The Ocean – Silence III (LP) – Fax +49-69/450464 (1998) 53:09
20. Autechre – Piobmx19 – Garbage (EP) – WARP (1995) 55:35
21. The Sabres Of Paradise ‎- Chapel St. Market 9am – Haunted Dancehall (LP) – WARP (1994) 59:50
22. Autechre – Bronchusevenmx24 – Garbage (EP) – WARP (1995) 1:03:05
23. A Blessing (Field Recording) 1:06:45
24. Chase Lynn – Lizard Point Foghorn (With Rain) (Field Recording) 1:07:40
25. Neina – Clairvoyance – Clicks_+_Cuts (LP) – Mille Plateaux (2000) 1:07:55
26. Autechre – Are Y Are We – We R Are Why/Are Y Are We? (12”) – WARP (1996) 1:11:15
27. AFX – Untitled AB 3.1#4 – Analogue Bubblebath 3.1 (EP) – Rephlex (1997) 1:15:08
28. AFX – Analogue Bubblebath 1 – Analogue Bubblebath 1 (EP) – Mighty Force Records (1991) 1:18:32
29. Polygon Window – Audax Powder – Surfing On Sine Waves (LP) – WARP (1992) 1:21:12
30. μ-Ziq – Swan Vesta ‎- Tango N’ Vectif (LP) – Rephlex (1994) 1:24:45
31. Bochum Welt – Leafs Brought By The Wind – Desktop Robotics (EP) – Rephlex (1997) 1:29:00
32. The Future Sound of London – Papua New Guinea (Dumb Child Of Q Mix) – Papua New Guinea (12”) – Jumpin’ & Pumpin’ (1991) 1:29:58
33. The Future Sound of London – Papua New Guinea (12″ Mix) Papua New Guinea (12)” – Jumpin’ & Pumpin’ (1991) 1:32:56 
34. Aphex Twin – Heliosphan – Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (LP) – Apollo (1992) 1:34:46 
35. Aphex Twin – Heliosphan (Live Mix) – user48736353001 Soundcloud Dump (2015) 1:36:54 
36. μ-Ziq – Nettles & Pralines – Bluff Limbo (LP) – Rephlex (1994) 1:40:33 
37. μ-Ziq – PHI*1700(u/v) – PHI*1700(u/v) (EP) – R & S Records (1994) 1:42:54
38. μ-Ziq – Phi*1700 (U/V) (LP Version) – Tango N’Vectif (LP) – Rephlex (1993) 1:44:29 
39. The Sabres Of Paradise ‎- Clock Factory – Sabresonic (LP) – WARP (1993) 1:47:55
40. Seefeel – Tied – Fracture / Tied (EP) – WARP (1994) 1:48:24
41. Musik Aus Strom ‎- Untitled 5 (B1) – Untitled (EP) – Bunker Records (1995) 1:49:20
42. Solvent – Curtains – RDJCS5 (EP) – Suction Records (2011) 1:49:49
43. Aphex Twin – Schottkey 7th Path – Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (LP) – Apollo (1992) 1:52:56
44. Pole – Käfer – Wald (LP) – Pole (2015) 1:57:07
45. Num Num – Bias – Signalflow (EP) – Toytronic (1999) 1:58:50
46. Autechre – Rae ‎- LP5 (LP) – WARP (1998) 2:01:33
47. Aphex Twin – On – On (EP) – WARP (1993) 2:04:46
48. Bochum Welt – Entering The Warp – Eldar (EP) – Art of Perception (2001) 2:12:55
49. Autechre – Second Scepe – Anvil Vapre (EP) – WARP (1995) 2:14:42
50. Phoenecia – Y-Intercpnkt – Randa Roomet (EP) – WARP (1997) 2:16:50
51. Gescom – Keynell – Keynell (Rmxd By Ae) – This (EP) – SKAM (1998) 2:22:15
52. Caustic Window – On The Romance Tip – Joyrex J5 EP – Rephlex (1992) 2:25:34
53. Curve – Falling Free (Aphex Twin Mix) – Falling Free (Remix) 12” – Anxious Records ‎(1992) 2:28:52
54. Jesus Jones – Zeroes & Ones (Aphex Twin Reconstruction Mix 1) – Zeroes & Ones (12”) – Food (1993) 2:32:36
55. Jesus Jones – Zeroes & Ones (Aphex Twin Reconstruction Mix 2) – Zeroes & Ones (12”) – Food (1993) 2:38:09
56. Seefeel – Spangle (Autechre Remix) – Autechre Remix of Spangle (CD) – Polyfusia (2003) 2:39:46
57. Seefeel – Hive – Ch-Vox (LP) – Rephlex (1996) 2:44:00
58. Pole – Fremd – LP 1 (LP) – Kiff SM (1998) 2:47:43
59. Autechre – Rsdio – Tri Repetae (LP) – WARP (1995) 2:51:15
60. Aphex Twin – The Waxen Pith – I Care Because You Do (LP) – WARP (1995) 2:55:12
61. Seefeel – Starethrough – Starethrough (EP) – WARP (1994) 2:59:08
62. John Beltran – Ten Days of Blue – Ten Days of Blue (LP) – Peacefrog Records (1996) 3:03:32
63. B12 – Satori – Electro-Soma (LP) – WARP (1993) 3:07:00 
64. Solvent – Well You Needn’t – Solvently One Listens (LP) – Suction (1999) 3:09:35
65. Funkstorung – Test – Appetite For Disctruction (LP) – Studio !K7 (2000) 3:12:18
66. Bochum Welt – Le Silence Du Temps – Les Dances D’Été (EP) – Kromode Records (19953:15:11
67. Bochum Welt – Asteroids Over Berlin – Module 2 (LP) – Rephlex (1996) 3:17:57
68. Autechre – Stud – Tri Repetae (LP) – WARP (1995) 3:18:38
69. The Irresistible Force – Snowstorm – Global Chillage – Rising High (1994) 3:23:35
70. Autechre – Glitch – Amber (LP) – WARP (1994) 3:26:34
71. Pole – Spaß – Clicks_+_Cuts (LP) – Mille Plateaux (2000) 3:30:33
72. Autechre – Lost – Anti (EP) – WARP (1994) 3:32:48
73. Aphex Twin – Nannou – Windowlicker (EP) – WARP (1999) 3:36:46
74. Funkstorung – Economy – Post.Art (EP) – Chocolate Industries (1997) 3:40:30
75. μ-Ziq – Ad Misericordia – Tango N’Vectif (LP) – Rephlex (1993) 3:43:49
76. Autechre – Djarum – Anti (EP) – WARP (1994) 3:46:07
77. Aphex Twin – Come On You Slags! – I Care Because You Do (LP) – WARP (1995) 3:48:22
78. Autechre – Piezo – Amber (LP) – WARP (1994) 3:54:26
79. Initiation (Field Recording) 3:59:27
80. Metamatics – So Many Ways – NeoOuija (LP) – Hydrogen Jukebox (1999) 3:59:40
81. Bjork – All Is Full Of Love (Homemade Acapella) – All Is Full Of Love (EP) – One Little Indian (1999) 4:04:00
82. Bjork – All Is Full Of Love (Zvuku Acapella Modular Refix) – All Is Full Of Love (EP) – One Little Indian (1999) 4:04:05 
83. Bjork Mit :Funkstorung – All Is Full Of Love (In Love With :Funkstorung.Remix) – All Is Full Of … (12”) – FatCat (1998) 4:05:11
84. Squarepusher – Goodnight Jade – Feed Me Weird Things (LP) – Rephlex (1996) 4:07:03
85. Funkstörung ‎- Zeit – Musik Aus Strom 1.08 (EP) – Musik Aus Strom (1996) 4:09:52
86. Being – Cue – Invisible Soundtracks Vol. 1 (EP) – LEAF (1995) 4:12:33
87. Boards Of Canada – Open The light – Music Has The Right To Children (LP) – WARP/SKAM (1998) 4:16:42
88. Solvent – Elbow Glue – Solvent / Lowfish (EP) – Suction (1998) 4:18:46
89. Nav Katze – Tiny Cog (Disjecta Mix) – Never Mind The Distortion II (LP) – Invitation (1997) 4:22:06
90. Aphex Twin – Acrid Avid Jam Shred – I Care Because You Do (LP) – WARP (1995) 4:25:40
91. Autechre – Leterel – Tri Repetae (LP) – WARP (1995) 4:30:12
92. Posthuman – Plethora – Posthuman (LP) – Seed Records (2000) 4:34:49
93. Nav Katze – Happier (Seefeel mix) – Never Mind The Distortion II E.P. – XEO Invitation (1997) 4:36:58
94. To Rococo Rot ‎- Prado – The Amateur View (LP) – City Slang (1999) 4:38:08
95. Sunken Foal – Dark Bounty – Hexose (LP) – Countersunk (2020) 4:41:16
96. The Tuss – oslo 2 +6.1 – Rushup Edge (Expanded LP) – Rephlex (2007/2017) 4:44:09
97. Loess – Viscer – 3D Concepts Part 2 (LP) – Toytronic (2003) 4:46:43
98. Egregore (Field Recording) 4:48:30 
99. Autechre – Dael – Tri Repetae (LP) – WARP (1995) 4:49:13
100. Cylob – Bazfoul – Cylobian Sunset (LP) – Rephlex (1996) 4:52:55
101. μ-Ziq – Driving Is Easy – Tango N’Vectif (LP) (Reissue) – Rephlex (1993/2001) 4:57:27
102. Aphex Twin/Heterotic – Xtal (Heterotic Version) – Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (LP) – Apollo/Unreleased (1992/2013) 5:00:25
103. Aphex Twin – Alberto Balsalm – I Care Because You Do (LP) – WARP (1995) 5:04:11 
104. Solvent – Not For Sale – Solvent City (LP) – Morr Music (2001) 5:09:06
105. Takeshi Muto – Rotea – Lily Of The Valley (LP) – Schematic (2000) 5:09:17
106. Beaumont Hannant ‎- Heavenly – Sculptured (LP) – GPR (1994) 5:12:34
107. Buck Tick – Iconoclasm (Don’t X Ray Da DAT Mix By Autechre) – シェイプレス (CD) – Invitation (1994) 5:13:58
108. The Prodigy – Weather Experience – Experience (LP) – XL (1992) 5:17:45
109. Wisp – bon p’ont v.2 (d.diGIT mix) – About Things That Never Were (LP) – TavCOM Records (2003) 5:19:20
110. Alarm Will Sound/Aphex Twin – Cliffs – Acoustica: Alarm Will Sound Performs Aphex Twin (LP) – Cantaloupe (2005) 5:21:48
111. Richard H Kirk ‎- Lagoon West – Virtual State (LP) WARP (1994) 5:24:17
112. Autechre – Nuane – Chiastic Slide (LP) WARP (1997) 5:25:49
113. Seefeel – Time To Find Me (AFX Fast Mix) – Time To Find Me (EP) – Too Pure (1993) 5:29:38
114. FUSE – A New Day – Dimension Intrusion (LP) – Plus 8 (1993) 5:33:58
115. The Black Dog ‎- Pot Noddle – Spanners (LP) – WARP (1994) 5:36:05
116. Cylob – I Left My Heart In Syntax Error – Cylobian Sunset (LP) – Rephlex (1996) 5:38:04
117. Global Goon ‎- Scott Cronce Is The CEO – Vatican Nitez (LP) – Rephlex (2002) 5:43:09
118. MG – Southerly ‎- MG (LP) – Mute (2015) 5:45:59
119. Bola ‎- Magnasushi – Fyuti (LP) – SKAM (2002) 5:48:11
120. Geiom ‎- Isene – SMAK 05/SMAK 06 (EP) – SKAM (2001) 5:52:19
121. Aphex Twin – Pancake Lizard – Donkey Rhubarb (EP) – WARP (1995) 5:55:57
122. Autechre – Overand – Tri Repetae (LP) – WARP (1995) 6:00:33
123. Sunken Foal /Autechre – Overand – Cover Versions From Autechre’s ‘Tri Repetae’ (EP) – Countersunk (2015) 6:06:05
124. Slag Boom Van Loon – Sutjeda – Slag Boom Van Loon (LP) – Planet Mu (1998) 6:06:56
125. Pan Sonic – Koilinen – Clicks_+_Cuts (LP) – Mille Plateaux (2000) 6:09:27
126. Plaid – Milh – Not For Threes (LP) – WARP (1997) 6:12:06
127. Scorn – Falling (Autechre “FR 13” Mix) – Falling / The End (Remixes) (EP) – Scorn Recordings (1995) 6:14:23
128. Autechre – Puch – Elements (LP) – MDS (1997) 6:14:40
129. Aphex Twin – Red Calx – user48736353001 Soundcloud Dump (2015) 6:16:18
130. Gescom ‎- Key Nell 4 – Key Nell (EP) – SKAM (1996) 6:17:58
131. Biosphere – Patashnik – Patashnik (LP) – Apollo (1994) 6:22:48
132. Bochum Welt – Desktop Robotics – Desktop Robotics (EP) – Rephlex (1997) 6:25:00
133. LFO ‎- Tied Up – Advance (LP) – WARP (1996) 6:25:00
134. MG – Europa Hymn ‎- MG (LP) – Mute (2015) 6:26:57
135. Autechre – Further – Amber (LP) – WARP (1994) 6:28:17
136. Gescom – Cicada – Gescom E.P. (EP) – SKAM (1994) 6:33:57 
137. Aphex Twin – Blue Calx – Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2 (LP) – WARP (1994) 6:37:01
138. Two Lone Swordsmen – Hope We Never Surface – Stay Down (LP) – WARP (1998) 6:43:31
139. Two Lone Swordsmen – As Worldly Pleasures Wave Goodbye – Stay Down (LP) – WARP (1998) 6:47:12
140. Global Communication – Ob-Selon Mi-Nos (Repainted By Global Communication) – The Cyberdon EP (Reload Remixes) (EP) – Evolution (1993) 6:51:21
141. μ-Ziq – Iesope – Tango N’Vectif (LP) – Rephlex (1993) 6:54:08
142. Autechre – Nonima – Mind The Gap Volume 5 (LP) – Gonzo Circus (1995) 6:57:13
143. Katabasis (Field Recording) 7:01:00 
144. Bochum Welt – Color Me (Mix 2) – Seafire (LP) – Central Processing Unit (2019) 7:02:08
145. Bochum Welt – Color Me (Extended) – Seafire (LP) – Central Processing Unit (2019) 7:04:08
146. Polygon Window – Quino-Phec (Reprise) – Surfing On Sine Waves (LP) – WARP (1992) 7:05:24
147. Autechre – VLetrmx21 – Garbage (EP) – WARP (1995) 7:09:25 
148. Sunken Foal – Micromachines (Swell Dub) – Richter Version E.P. (EP) – Countersunk (2011) 7:13:40
149. Autechre – Drane2 ‎- LP5 (LP) – WARP (1998) 7:17:37
150. The Drudge (Field Recording) 7:25:14 
151. Aphex Twin – Stone In Focus – Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2 (LP) – WARP (1994) 7:27:15 
152. Jochem Paap – Flm – Vrs-Mbnt-Pcs 9598 I (LP) – Fax +49-69/450464 (1999) 7:31:52
153. Brian Eno – Dunwich Beach, Autumn, 1960 – On Land (LP) – Editions EG (1982) 7:38:07
154. Minced Oath – Supersede – Supersede (LP) – Countersunk (2017) 7:40:30
155. FFWD ▸▸ – Suess Wie Eine Nuss – FFWD ▸▸ (LP) – Inter-Modo (1994) 7:42:25
156. Pete Namlook + Tetsu Inoue ‎- Untitled 5 – Shades Of Orion 2 (LP) – Fax +49-69/450464 (1995) 7:43:57
157. The Binding (Field Recording) 7:45:29 
158. The Orb – Blue Room (Pt. 1) – Blue Room (12”) – Big Life (1992) 7:47:25
159. The Orb – Blue Room (Ambient Demo At Mark Angelos) – Anthology 2 (CD) – Bootleg (1994) 7:48:15
160. The Orb – Blue Room (Excerpt 605) – Blue Room / Towers Of Dub (CD) – Big Life (1992) 7:48:35
161. Squarepusher ‎- Detroit People Mover – Be Up A Hello – WARP (2020) 7:49:04
162. Slag Boom Van Loon – Mooshy – Slag Boom Van Loon (LP) – Planet Mu (1998) 7:52:17
163. Autechre – Metaz form8 – SIGN (LP) – WARP (2020) 7:54:09
164. Seefeel – Lux 1 – Starethrough (EP) – WARP (1994) 7:58:11 
165. Jochem Paap – DX Synth – Vrs-Mbnt-Pcs 9598 II (LP) – Fax +49-69/450464 (1999) 8:01:49
166. Aphex Twin – I – Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (LP) – Apollo (1992) 8:04:17
167. Last Legs (Field Recording) 8:06:16